Read Ellen G. White, “ ‘The Light of Life,’ ” pp. 463–475, in The Desire of Ages; E. Edward Zinke, “The Authority of the Bible and the Certainty of the Second Coming,” The Certainty of the Second Coming (Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2000), pp. 23–36.
Throughout the Gospel, Scripture plays an important role in telling us about the One who is the way, the truth, and the life. All through the Gospels, as all through the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, the Scriptures play a key role in revealing truth. This is especially true when it comes to teaching us about who Jesus is and what He came to do.
Read John 5:38–40. What is Jesus saying here about the Scriptures?
Read John 14:5, 6. What query did Thomas make about where Jesus was going? How did Jesus respond?
Thomas’s query seems logical enough. If you do not know where someone is going, how can you know the way to follow that person? Jesus upends the query by indicating that He Himself is the way. The way to what? The way to the Father. In the Prologue (John 1:1–18), the intimate connection between the Word (logos), Jesus Christ, and the Father is emphasized.
Read John 14:1–3. In what context did Jesus say these words?
At the end of John 13, Jesus says that He is going away (John 13:33). This elicits from Peter a query about where He is going (John 13:36). The disciples do not understand that Jesus is talking about His death, resurrection, and ascension. Peter says he is ready to lay down his life for Him (John 13:37). This is when Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (John 13:38).
The farewell discourse (John 13–17) provides instruction for Jesus’ disciples concerning the future. Its literary pattern is similar to Moses’ farewell in Deuteronomy or Jacob’s blessing his children (Genesis 47–49) or David’s instructing Solomon (1 Chronicles 28, 29). Jesus consoles His disciples regarding His departure. He promises a surrogate to represent Him (the Holy Spirit; John 14–16). He predicts grief to come (John 15, 16), and He exhorts the disciples to stay faithful (John 15).